Saturday, August 22, 2009

thoughts on long weeks, readiness, and being human

Disclaimer to reader: The following post contains a description of a very bad week. This is not for pity, but rather to appease the people who love me enough to hound me until I update my blog, even when I tell them I have nothing good to say.

It's been a long week. A really long week. The type of week where standing in lines and sitting in waiting rooms and trying to get places on time and the travel tubes of facial exfolliant you forgot to buy at Target all seem to suck the life out of you.

I would venture to guess that if "crappy week" (a very technical term taking the world by storm, i know) had a dictionary definition i think it would go something like this...

crap•py week:
1. a technical term.
2. a period of seven successive days, contained therein 5 appointments complete with 3 immunizations, 5 cavity fillings, 1 traffic violation, 1 locking-key-inside-house-like-idiot incident, and 2 sad goodbyes.
3. time completed by Anna Clauson between the dates of August 16, 2009 and August 23, 2009.

One might think such a week makes you ready to go and embark on a 3.5 month journey around the world.

But alas, readiness has alluded me again.


Everyone wants to know if I'm "ready".

Still don't know what that fully looks like, friends.

The honest truth is I'd rather watch the Food Network on my parents bed in my christmas-tree pajamas. I might even go for an episode of 20/20, if my parents were there to watch it with me (I'm paranoid by the murder mystery episodes, which dates back to ill-experiences with America's Most Wanted in early childhood).

But ready or not this adventure starts in five days. And I like to think that's for the better.

So sweet dreams, my fellow humans.

And may these next five days find you feeling very much alive, in spite of the long lines and the waiting rooms and the travel tubes of facial exfolliant you forgot to buy at Target.

Love. Anna


  1. ok i died laughing reading this post (hope that's ok with you), especially when reading your def. of "crappy week."

    5 cavity fillings?! you poor thing.

    i will be calling you very soon my dear. until then, keep your head up as always.

    i love you.

  2. sounds like a horrible, terrible no good very bad week. Please don't move to australia!
