Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I’m back.

And I’m alive.

And I love India.

I have never been so exhausted in my entire life (and while I recognize that I have dramatic tendencies, I am not exaggerating in the least bit about the extent of this exhaustion).

And my lungs are most surely as black as my nose boogies (the heavy pollution makes for a continual snack no matter what time of day), but it’s nothing the naan and loveliness of the people I met didn’t completely make up for.

It’s funny because of any port on the itinerary I feel some sort of pressure to churn out deep and profoundly eloquent thoughts, it’s India—and I know many of us are relatively well acquainted with images of India’s social problems (poverty being perhaps at the top of the list).

But the thing is, I’ll be processing these things for a long, long while.

So in the next few days, I’m going to rest. And journal. And chat with Allie. And let go of any pressure.

I’ll be posting a few simple experiences and anecdotes—whatever comes to me really.

And where there are holes, know I’m still processing, and will be ever so happy to share the thoughts with you as they come.

For now, sleep.

Love. Anna

1 comment:

  1. Very good, thanks for checking in. Sweet dreams.
    Aunt Barb
