Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!

It’s been a rather low-key day here on the ship. Classes and routine were as usual, but they did whip up a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for us in the kitchen (which is no easy task when cooking for six hundred).

I hope this day finds you in the fullest posture of gratitude for God’s goodness and grace, and for the abundance we know and experience daily that such a great deal of the world is without.

Whether you’re a friend or a family member or a random blog-reader, I’m grateful for you on this day, and I wish you all warmth and blessing this Thanksgiving.

Love. Anna

1 comment:

  1. Morning Anna,
    Blessings to you also. We indeed are so grateful and thankful.
    Much love,
    Aunt Barb and Dennis
