Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Happy Place

Mauritius is the most delightfully random country on our itinerary. 

You know when you have to pull out a map and search hard to locate exactly where it is you’re going in the world (which I did almost a year ago now when I first started looking into SAS), that it is somewhere special—Mauritius is just one of those places.

I also think we should take just a moment to marvel at the fact that geographically, I am the farthest away from home that I will ever be on this journey (San Francisco and Mauritius are on exact opposite sides of globe), so in a lovely sort of way from here on out we are coming home.

The highlight of my day was the fruit and vegetable market in Port Louis.

There is no other way I’d rather spend an afternoon than walking through the hubbub of a new place, and watching the locals bargain amidst piles of fresh herbs and mounds of fragrant, dry spices (along with a host of other strange and marvelous vegetables I’ve never seen before in my life). Those of you who know me well, know that the produce aisle is my happy place, so for me, today was like the tiniest little taste of heaven on earth.

As we strolled, we bought mangos and pineapple and a local drink called alouda, which is almond milk with some kind of seed (almost like fish eggs or tapioca in texture) added to the bottom of the glass (so incredibly delicious).

Leave it to the smallest of simple things to tickle the soul the most—that’s what I was reminded of today from half way around the world.

So cheers to the simple things!

Love. Anna


  1. hurrah for the foreign produce aisle!

  2. anna,

    sometimes i remember you have a blog.
    then i read it.
    then i smile.

    glad you're doing well.

    and if by some weird gap in the space-time continuum you end up on the shores of England, give me a holla.

  3. i've started counting down to the day i get to visit you in pasadena during winter break. i miss you so much!
