Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Shifting Seasons

As I mentioned before, it’s been incredibly hot at every port of call thus far.

From Spain to Vietnam, the sun’s been shining and the humidity’s been in full force.

By the time afternoon arrives, normally you feel like you are walking around in a steamy shower—we often walk by our reflections in a shop window, and I just have to say “embrace the glow, ladies, embrace the glow!” You really do end up being shiny all the time.

But things are about to change drastically.

At our logistical pre-port tonight, they forecast temperatures in Beijing to be in the 30’s.

This basically means I am going to freeze. The extent of my cold weather clothing is a sweatshirt and jeans.

So—if I return home come December with a few missing toes, it’s probably because they were frostbitten off while hiking on the Great Wall of China. =)

I have no idea what access to internet I’ll have during my time in China, which means I’m probably checking out for these next few days, but I’m sending you all my love, and you can send me warm thoughts in return.

Love. Anna


  1. Dear Anna,
    Please buy a coat and keep warm on me. They will have lots of them on sale in Hong Kong.
    Love you,

  2. friend-y. whatever you do, do NOT run potentially frost-bitten body parts under hot water. (i know from personal experience).

    but, good news...the only time i came close to frost bite was in -18 degrees, so you should be okay.

    i will love you even if you come home with only nine toes. :)
