Sunday, September 13, 2009

Going to the chapel...

Hi friends,

So I literally just got back from my camel trek a few minutes ago (more on that in the coming days) to discover that my breathtakingly beautiful sister is ENGAGED!!!!! Is that not the best thing you have heard in a long time?!? Oh, I am just bursting with excitement on this here ship!

I think that is the kind of sweet, celebration-worthy news that trumps any and all adventures, which is why I thought I would share it with you now. Feel free to join me in a happy dance around the room, if you feel so inclined.

Dearest Sarah, all those years of watching Father of the Bride growing up (I do hope you’ve booked Dad for the guacamole-making), and here it is your turn! I am crying such tears of joy for you from Morocco (and a few tears of sadness that I’m not there to celebrate with you. I am trying to keep those to a minimum, but I am your feeling sister after all). What exciting seasons ahead that we get to walk together! I have the deepest of loves for you, Sister, and it’s from the truest part of my being that I say congratulations to you and Scott.

Love. Anna